Sto in Firenze ora!
Yes! I'm in Florence. I made it here finally and it has been a lot like how I pictured it. The little streets (VIA's), the Florentine people, the gelaterias on every corner, etc. As I sit here by my apartment window that faces the Duomo, I am listening to Adele, scratching the ten mosquito bites (they're fierce!) on my right leg and am collecting my thoughts on the first few days of my adventures in Italy.
The plane ride here first of all was a bit rough because I was doing it alone and I was scared out of my mind that something was going to happen to the plane. For some reason (sarcasm) the news reports on plane crashes and malfunctions had put things in my head right before I had to leave. Well, the nice lady from Naples on the plane helped me through the flight, as well as my window seat in which I watched the sun set and sun rise. I ended up studying my Italian, but watched Marley and Me. I cried my eyes out! The people around me must have thought I was nuts! I was seriously balling and I don't know if it was just mix of crazy emotions, but all I know is that the teardrops were pouring out of my glands. Leaving my parents at the airport may have had something to do with it, but really I think it was just the movie. Very good- Very sad.
So as I embarked on this 40 day and 40 night journey of my 19 year old life, I sat and thought about what I truly wanted to get out of it. Did I just want to go on vacation, take a few classes and meet a few people or did I want to reform myself and learn how to live even more simply and engage in a culture that is embedded in my blood for eternity? When I discover the answer..I'll let you know- the noises off the city streets outside my window are clouding my brain too much right now...
I met my roommate Liz at the Rome train station and we bought tickets for Pisa. Well, did I happen to mention that I had two luggages and one weighed 54 lbs and one weighed 38 lbs. My arms were feeling it even though I was just rolling them along. The only thing I could think about was getting to the apartment and unpacking everything, but we had a big stop to make in Pisa.
The stay at the hotel was quick and easy and waking up in the morning felt good because we were on our way to Firenze! The train ride was about 45 minutes from Pisa to Florence and it was about 200 degrees. I noticed how different the temperature was in Italy from the moment I stepped off the plane in Rome, but I still haven't decided if I like it better or not. There's something about constantly sweating and being hot and sticky that just turns me off...
FIRENZE- finalmente! We hopped in a cab right outside of the train station and I tricked the cab driver into thinking I was from Italy- well at least I attempted to. He caught me but we had a lovely conversation in Italian about our lives and our deepest innermost feelings- kidding! We chatted about how I look Italian, but not the real Italian- hm compliment or not at all? Still trying to figure that out...I just kept saying I was from Italy and he started talking about Philadelphia Cream Cheese and how good it is ;) Too funny. Liz and I were just laughing and were so surprised how after spending two days in Italy together, about 90% of the locals spoke English. It's like we have "American" written on our foreheads or something and that was the only thing we spoke and that bothered me in so many ways!
Trying to identify myself with the locals was a daily challenge. I used my Italian as much as 80% of the day, but when traveling in groups of more than three people, there is always an assumption made that we are tourists. I'm trying though. My Italian is getting so much better! I am able to have quality conversations with people young and old and I know that I can be fluent by the end of this program.
Oh yea! I am here for a program, so Liz and I met up with the Program Director and Program Assistant, as well as the other students in the program. All 17 of us were college students just looking for an adventure in Florence this summer and after the first night- we knew adventures were surely going to happen.
The opening dinner was fantastic and we ate and ate because they served and served. Each of us hit it off and I was surprised! The group and I were instantly cool and we had a lot in common and definitely were ready to have some fun. Exciting. After dinner, we walked around the city and everyone found out that I was 100% Italian and pretty good with the language and could rely on me for travel and language situations. I was happy about that because I am totally into helping them out with it because really it's helping me too!
We did the whole bar/ club thing the first night and of course everyone knew we were Americans. The streets looked so tiny and confusing and we were all just still jet lagged and totally lost. I had some great conversations with each of the other ragazzi and we danced our first night in Florence away to a bunch of American music in Club Astro :).
Orientation came bright and too early on Friday and we learned about the school and the program and basically about things we needed to know for our stay in Florence. Each of us was exhausted! It was night one and we slept about four hours each. After orientation, we got lunch at the Oil Shoppe and I ate an incredible Vegetarian panino with french fries. Absolutely delicioso! The girls and I took an adventure walk around the city and also to get our internet hooked up . The latter one never happened, but we did have a great time exploring Florence!
It was our second night in Florence and with only four hours of sleep, we got dressed up and headed out to a beautiful dinner at the outdoor restaurant called Boldovino. They had incredible brick oven, thin crust pizza that just oozed with fresh cheeses and sauces. I was insanely stuffed after eating my vegetarian pizza senza formaggio, but I couldn't leave leftovers! We took a stroll around the city a bit more and decided to get Gelato. Absolutely creamy, rich and delicious. The gelateria, Grom, is best known for their dark chocolate goodness.
The pool bar we went to at night was very different and we found more locals hanging out there. The pool looked tempting but none of us brought our bathing suits and we just sat around and made more conversation. I was still learning a lot about each of the students and instead of judging everyone, I'm taking everything in one word at a time. It's awesome to be able to meet 16 new people and travel Italy together! New friendships are made and there are special bonds that are formed that last a lifetime.
Another late night and staying up basically until the sun rose at 6am. This is the stuff you have to do while studying abroad, especially on the first weekend when it doesn't get in the way of classes and school work. Beautiful. La vita bella.
Full day two of this trip= vespa adventures through Tuscany. WOW! I booked a tour for 10 of us to meet at a McDonald's and get a ride to a ranch in Siena to learn how to ride Vespas and go on a more than two hour long trip
throughout the Tuscan region where there are breathtaking views of villas and animals and mountains. Riding up and down mountains and throughout small villages and off-roading took place. I was riding up front on my Vespa- pretty much had the whole riding deal down ;)- Toward the end, we went on back roads and through bushes and on stony paths that were so scary! I drove with one of the instructors for a good portion of the tour and he took me and a few other guys through the brushes and grassy lands and muddy and stony paths. We got to see the villa where they filmed Gladiator. Absolutely invigorating! I felt so free riding on the vespas and with the cool wind blowing in your face and the sun setting off in the distance I couldn't have asked for a better way to see Tuscany than on a Vespa! Seriously. Fun in Tuscany Vespa Tours definitely a must when visiting the region and/or country. The crew was totally impressed with how fun and incredible it was. The night just continued on with random things and we met up at the ranch to get a ride to this castle on top of mountain close by. We drove with the instructor that blasted American dance songs and partied until we got to this massive castle. There were knights and candle makers and a lot of medieval things going on! We were allowed to get paninis for dinner, so I ate up two vegetarian pa
ninis and drank glasses of local red wine.
I still couldn't believe I was in Florence, I couldn't believe I was sitting in medieval castle eating paninis and drinking wine with bunch of people I have just met. I don't know if I was still jet lagged or just living the life. I like to think it was the latter. "Oh My!" seemed to be the phrase most used throughout the past two days. No one could wrap their brains around what was happening let alone imagine what more was to come in the next 28 days...
I know I'm ready for it.
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