Off I flew into the night sky with only one destination in mind: ATHENS. I boarded the flight first class with no idea how it would be...pretty sweet actually- what made the ride even better was the person I had sitting next to me...Bill AKA Vasilius. Such a sick name for an incredible man.
He and I hit it off from the start I guess you could say even if he was over 60. At first he spoke to Greek to me because he could've sworn I was Greek but when I told him Italian things were a bit different, but for the best. He told me stories about his children: daughter, who I apparently reminded him of time and time again and who was an ambassador in Austria and a son who worked in Paolo Alto, California. We told each other stories and he was impressed with me and my crazy quick college life and hopes and dreams. He serenaded me with a lot of Italian songs and made sure to remind me that I look like his daughter and acted just like her. Though the beginning of the flight I was wondering if what he was sayin was actually true, I started to believe it the more and more he told me and the more and more he taught me about what to do and what not to do in Greece. He was like an angel sent to me on this flight to a foreign country I had been so worried to visit. There was no way I would ever forget him and I'm sure he'll never forget me, especially because I was now his "little rascal" as he called me. I hope he made it home to Argos OK and is enjoying his two bottles of whisky he purchased in flight- one being a bottle of Bailey's to put in his coffee every once and awhile as he walked to the beach and enjoyed the summer life. Must be nice...oh Greece.
Arrivederci Philadelphia comes from good ol Bill who asked me what everyone says when you leave Rome and we said together: Arrivederci Roma! So when we took off we said Arrivederci Philadelphia...he got me through the take off because I would have flipped out otherwise haha! Oh airplanes...
A walk around the neighborhood was a must so I scouted out internet cafes, coffee shops, calling card centers and the bancomat. I am in need of a major nap though, so enough walking in the heat and it's time to sleep already!
Italia vs Parguay today--- nap before game time!
Greek word of the day (and probably for the trip): KALIMERA= GOOD MORNING.
1 comment:
I am so glad you decided to go!! I know it was our talks in that AOD class that inspired you :) ENJOY!!! - Tal
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