
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"T" Time

The magic word of the summer= TRAVEL.

Travel like you'll never get another opportunity to! I am a mere week away from embarking on a journey to clarify my mind and invigorate my senses. The preparation is pretty easy, but I've been bogged down in way too much work. I'm s.l.o.w.l.y getting through it all but I am getting through it.

I've been getting my mind together to make sure I am mentally ready for what I will be experiencing in the next 40 days. So far so good. No complaints. I am free to take in anything that comes at me. One thing I made sure I did was research vegetarian/vegan restaurants and health food stores in the Florence area. I came up with a great website: This is such a useful list, but if you plan on traveling other places around the world feel free to check out and get your search on.

Another site I've been using is to look up cheap flights to and from European cities. Even Rail Europe has some great deals to get me around. I'm simply keeping my options open and trying not to schedule too far in advance because I have a feeling that once I get there, things are going to change and mostly for the better.

Each month has passed by quite slowly, but than these past few weeks of June flew by me one by one and never once slowed down. Now that I am only days away from getting on the plane and leaving the US, I am only focused on my trip! Sure I'm getting my work done, but every other minute of the day is spent thinking and preparing and day dreaming about my trip. What will I do, where will I go, who will I meet, what will I eat, how much will I spend? Questions and Questions and more Questions...

The answers are waiting for me thousands of miles across the Atlantic in the place I like to call my second home- Italy.

Keep checking in to my blog because you will be the first to hear about my travels and experiences while abroad. So stay tuned because some interessssssssssting things are going to be happening and who wouldn't want to be the first to hear/see it all unfold?!

Message from the U.S. before my trip:

Don't Stress...Invest.
Get out and enjoy the summer by fitting some "T" time into your schedule!


CIAO! Ci sentiamo! (we'll talk soon)

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