
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Post-Dream World

This has been interesting to say the least. After spending time in Rome and then spending a week in Longano there was no way I could imagine going back to Philadelphia. How would I manage with the different weather, the different people, the different living situation and the different lifestyle overall?! Was I crazy for not staying in Italy? Of course I was, but really it was time for me to go home and reunite with my life back home. The time away was just what I needed to reevaluate things and help me decide what my next move will be...

I was alone a lot of the time in Longano, but it was something I had wanted for a long time. It allowed me to write and read and do things I never have time to do at home. It was relieving not to get cellphone service 95 percent of the time in the mountains, as well as Internet service. I was literally not connected to anyone except my family and my boyfriend. Space was limited and time seemed to fly by. My stomach was definitely always growling and the steep hills up and down the mountains kept me in shape. Most importantly time with my Nonno offered a feeling of acceptance and connected me back to my family. It was beautiful to be living with him and keep him company as he lived the summer away from all of us back in the States. I even decided to do an interview with him and get some footage of the town so I can make a documentary when I return. Exciting! Creative! Journalistic!

The flight home was sad, especially because I was leaving my Nonno and after our time together we formed a special grandfather/granddaughter bond that we probably wouldn't have formed if we were just hanging out at home. Longano brought us together and gave us an inside look into how each of us thinks and acts. It's funny how living with someone for just a short time makes you that much closer.

The first time I saw my family it felt like a year had passed. I knew that it had been a long time, but I didn't think it would feel that awkward. :) I was glad to be back home hanging out with my family even though I felt like a new person. This experience has definitely changed me a lot and I have been opened up to a lot more opportunities as a young woman and young journalist. Though I was looking forward to dinner upon arriving home, I was looking forward to showing pictures and telling stories for the next week to everyone. We ate Chinese food for dinner because I was not about to sit down and eat another Italian meal! I needed a change!

Home home home! Reality is about to hit really hard, but I'm ready for it. I've been mentally preparing myself for a few months now for what was to come once I returned from Europe. I have a few ideas of what I where I want to start on this journey to discovering my career...I just need to get started!

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