
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Walking With a Purpose

After a topsy-turvy month of August, I am beginning to settle down to a way of life that I am pleased with and that I need desperately. It has not been fun and August has just thrown obstacles and decisions and even opportunities at me, but overall it has stressed me out! I came back on August 1 from Europe and since then I have been trying to figure out where my next step is and I believe I found it. After long hours of thinking and many sleepless nights tossing and turning with ideas and plans for the future, I have finally settled down.

Well, I love food and cooking and giving people advice on healthy living when it comes to dieting and changing one's lifestyle, so I have decided to pursue a career in the food and health industry. It's not your average career choice though because I will blend my journalistic skills with my culinary skills, as well as my knowledge of all things vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free/organic etc. etc., and most prominently Italian.

I have found myself exactly where I guess I had been hiding for years now- deep within. This dream has always been in the back of my mind, but for some reason I was intimidated by the fact that the industry is hard and demanding and I could never be as good as some of the top chefs or health professionals, but really I was only denying my deep rooted potential to do great things.

Though being back had it's negative effects, I feel I have tried as hard as possible to turn them into positive things. I have applied to jobs in and around the city involving food and places that will help me get the food experience I need to test the waters. I may have found just the right place for me and now I can take on as much as I want and take advantage of the experiences that await both in the kitchen and out of the kitchen.

It's taken many hours of yoga to slow down my mind and calm my body of the stresses that have been inhibiting me to see clearly what is and has been right in front of me. Finally this life of the Italian vegetarian who loves traveling blog has become the foundation to a lifelong career that I will continue to establish for myself.

P.S. Traveling was a possibility this fall, but I had bigger ideas in mind and going back to Italy seemed to be a sort of regression back to my old way of thinking and wanting to escape reality, but not I have discovered a sort of purpose for my life right now and that is to explore food and health, so I am going to do it. Let's see how it goes...

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