
Monday, June 28, 2010

La Programma parte due

From now until the end of July I will be living in Rome. The program that I am participating in is not only something that will improve my language skills, but it will also expand my mind in terms of politics, culture and religion with both Italy and America. I am now an official bi-cultural ambassador. Pretty sweet right? Well, with that title comes a lot of responsibility and a lot of work that is well worth the experience. We are staying at a residenza that offers living and three meals a day- vegetarian friendly and all!

The meals are consistently delicious and that seems to be one (just one) of the most important things for me- of course. Everyone in the program is fantastic and we have already established a bond among all of us. It feels so great to be with people who are just as passionate about the Italian culture and language. Each of them is very different and we are all learning so much from just talking and hanging out with one another.

The work load is light and though there are papers and readings to do, there is tons of free time that we take advantage of by either napping, going on Skype, working out, or just perusing the Web. I can't help but love this feeling of being in college again and it's got me a bit upset because this is the last time that I will have this sort of experience. Never fear though- I have one month of it, which is plenty of time for me to take advantage of it and hopefully not miss it that much by the end.

These days are going to be filled with classes, food and here and there we'll also be visiting sites in and around Rome, as well as in Italy in general. Our schedule is fantastic and we have so many meetings with government officials and even journalists and professional historians. This is such a great bridge for me bringing me from college life to reality. I guess you can say that I'm bridging the Italian-America cultures on the outside, but then bridging my life on the inside.

For holiday, we went to Lake Bracciano for a day on the sand and in the sun. It was great because I got to build on my already existing tan, as well as get time to relax and chill with my new friends. It was so fun until I lost my favorite heart ring in the lake. I was in shock and everyone was looking around in the water for it, but no luck. It was sad to lose it because I had been wearing it for so long and it was my favorite ring. A part of me is missing now, but my saying now is...I left my heart in Italia.

Very nice right? Well, I literally did.

I probably won't write as often now that I am in class and getting work done, but I will keep you updated on where I go and what I eat. :)

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